
How To Transfer Voicemails From Iphone To Computer

Voicemail is as important as emails and messages on iPhone that power contain some useful information. It could be the first voice recording you have of your toddler, the mellisonant quarrel from your loved ones, or important smug for legal purposes. Nevertheless, voicemail messages testament be deleted automatically from the servers of the phone service aft a certain period of clock. To forbid information expiration, the best way is to transfer voicemails from the iPhone to the computer.

Currently, there are two options for you to do it - via EaseUS MobiMover and via the Sharing feature. Of the two options, the first nonpareil is more recommended since it has no limitations along the data transference size, information change speed up, and system requirements of your iOS devices.

Pageboy Calm:

Option 1. How to Transfer Voice mail from iPhone to Estimator via EaseUS MobiMover
Alternative 2. How to Save Voicemails from iPhone to Information processing system via Sharing Feature (iOS 9 or higher)

Option 1. How to Transfer Voice mail from iPhone to Computer via EaseUS MobiMover

EaseUS MobiMover gives you a handy, easy, and efficient way to transfer voicemail messages from the iPhone to the computer. The whole process is identical simple. Entirely you need to do is to establis EaseUS MobiMover on your computer so connect your iPhone to the computer. Apart from transferring voicemail from the iPhone to the computer, it has many a other awing features that are worth exploring. For instance, with its iOS unlock lineament, you can unlock iPhone or iPad without passcode. With its video download feature, you butt download 4k videos from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and unusual video-sharing websites.

Now, you can download EaseUS MobiMover on your PC or Mack and start to transfer voicemail from iPhone to information processing system with relaxation.

Footfall 1 . Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable, tap "Trust" on your iPhone screen to continue. Run EaseUS MobiMover and click "Earphone to PC"  > "Next" on the screen.

transfer iPhone voice mails to computer - step 1

Step 2 . Choose "Voice Mails" to export to your computer. You can set the warehousing path equally you postulate. Other underslung file types are audio, pictures, videos, books, contacts, notes, and messages.

transfer iPhone voice mails to computer - step 2

Step 3 . Now, click the "Transfer" button to start out the process. You can use MoviMover to export your iPhone information atomic number 3 backups for data innocuous.

transfer iPhone voice mails to computer - step 3

Option 2. How to Save Voicemails from iPhone to Computer via Sharing Feature (iOS 9 operating theatre newer)

If you're using an iOS gimmick that is running iOS 9 or higher version, then you can transfer voicemail via its communion feature film. To fare this, you'll need to determined up Visual Voice mail happening iPhone and then save them to the computer via Messages, Chain mail, or AirDrop to a Mack.

Step 1. Wide-open the Phone app on your iPhone > Tap on the Voicemail tab.

Step 2. Quality a voicemail subject matter you want to relieve or export > Tap on the Portion button.

Footprint 3. From the pop-up menu, select your sought after way to save these the voice mail subject matter.

Save Voicemail on iPhone


Q 1: Can I transfer Voicemail from iPhone to the computer via iTunes?

iTunes should be the first choice for iOS users to sync information on iPhone/iPad/iPod to Windows computer. IT might solve well in syncing photos, euphony, video, but As to change voice mail, iTunes is not convenient. When you synchronise your devices with the iTunes, voicemail is rescued to your computer, but they get buried deep within various semi-encrypted databases. Besides, iTunes is a ace-way syncing instrument, which means that you cannot transfer data from the computer back to iOS devices.

Q 2: How to preserve voicemails on iPhone

To attain this, you can open the Phone app > Voicemail tab > Choose the voice mail you deprivation to save > Share > Choose the way you want to share. Your choices include but are not limited to AirDrop, Notes, Mail, Messages, and Voice Memos. After sharing, you canful check IT in your Notes, Mail, Messages, Beaver State Vocalism Memos.

Q 3: How to save voicemail from iPhone to MacBook

In that respect are two options for this intention: using EaseUS MobiMover operating theatre using AirDrop. Detailed steps to use EaseUS MobiMover to save voice mail to MacBook, you hind end refer to the steps we mentioned in Option 1. To save voicemail via AirDrop, foremost, you'll need to turn on AirDrop on both of your Mack and iPhone. Then, Go to the Phone app > Voice mail chit > Prefer the voicemail you want to save > Share > Take AirDrop as the way you wish to share.

The Penetrate Line of reasoning

That's all about our methods on how to transfer voicemail from iPhone to computer. By reading our spot, we desire you have saved your desired voicemail from iPhone to computing device successfully. To assure your data security, we advise you to back up your iPhone data to a calculator so that you can access them whenever you need information technology.

How To Transfer Voicemails From Iphone To Computer


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