
How To Get Chests In League

Mission exclusive Crafting Materials and Rewards can be found here.
For old content, see Removed Crafting and PROJECT Crafting.

Hextech Crafting

Hextech Crafting is a gameplay reward system implemented by Riot Games Inc. for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics icon.png Teamfight Tactics PC[1], offering opportunities to obtain event content, skins, and champions.

It was released on the PBE on January 13, 2016. The first live testings were done on the Turkish server from patch V6.3 on February 10, 2016. The system launched in NA on patch V6.5 (March 15, 2016), then all the other servers on patch V6.6 (March 24, 2016).


  • 1 Loot Types
  • 2 Container
    • 2.1 Chest Set
    • 2.2 Mystery Token
    • 2.3 Orb
    • 2.4 Capsule
    • 2.5 Little Legend Egg
  • 3 Uncommon Crafting
    • 3.1 Hextech Exclusive
    • 3.2 Other
  • 4 Event Crafting
    • 4.1 Event-exclusive Containers
      • 4.1.1 Bundle Token
      • 4.1.2 Bag/Jackpot
  • 5 Crafting Material
    • 5.1 Shard & Permanent
      • 5.1.1 Champions
      • 5.1.2 Skins
    • 5.2 Crafting Costs
  • 6 Patch History
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Media
  • 9 References

Loot Types

The crafting menu separates loot into categories:

  • All
  • Materials
    • Includes chests, capsules, bags, currency, tokens.
  • Champions
  • Skins
  • Little Legends
  • Eternals
  • Emotes
  • Ward Skins
  • Icons


Hextech Crafting Loot.png Loot is rewarded from containers of various size. Common Crafting containers can be rewarded from various sources.

There are special rules primarily concerning chests, but are implied to be extrapolated to other containers where applicable[2]:

Unless specifically noted, loot pools from skinlines will get updated as said skinlines expand with more items.

Chest Set

Chest Set has both a chest and key.

Opening a Hextech chest.

A Set is a two-part container comprised of a Chest and a Key, the chest being the source of loot and the key being a gateway to obtain the loot. 3 Key Fragments can be combined into a Hextech Crafting Key.pngKey.

Common Chest Items
Item Description

Hextech Crafting Key fragment.png

Key Fragment
Collect 3 to create a Key. Play games to earn key fragments over time.

Obtained from:

  • Drop from Honor Orb
  • Event Crafting
  • Honor participation drop

Hextech Crafting Chest.png

Hextech Chest
What's in the box?

Requires a Hextech Key to open.

Drop rates:

  • Base chance

  • Total chance

Hextech Chest Drops[2]
Chance Item
50% Skin shard
25% Champion shard
10% Emote Permanent
11.5% Ward Skin Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
3.5% Summoner Icon Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
Bonus Drops
Chance Item
3.6% Gemstone
0.04% Mythic Skin Permanent
10% Hextech Set
Hextech Chest Drops
Chance Item
57.14% 1820 RP 1820 or less Champion Skin Shard
Ultimate Skin Permanent
21.43% 4800 BE 4800 or more Champion Shard
8.57% Emote Permanent
9.86% Ward Skin Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
3 Summoner Icon Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
Bonus Drops
Chance Item
4% Gemstone
0.04 % Mythic Skin Permanent
11. 1 % Hextech Set
  • Bad luck protection raises the effective drop rate of skin shards to roughly 57%.

Obtained from:

  • Chests from different sources are not stacked together.
Champion Mastery
  • Mastery Chest (Limit 1 per champion per season)
Riot store
  • 125 RP 125 purchase
  • 195 RP 195 bundle 」 「 1 Hextech Chest and Key Bundle 」
  • 975 RP 975 bundle 」 「 5 Hextech Chests & Keys + 50 Orange Essence 50 Bonus Essence! 」
  • 1950 RP 1950 bundle 」 「 10 Hextech Chests & Keys + Bonus Set! 」

Hextech Crafting Masterwork Chest.png

Masterwork Chest
The highest-quality crafting items available. Curated and approved by the master craftsman Ornn. Requires a Hextech Key to open.

Est. V8.7. Requires a Hextech Key to open.

Drop rates:

  • Base chance

  • Total chance

Masterwork Chest Drops[2]
Chance Item
70% Skin shard
10% 525 Orange Essence 525
10% Emote Permanent
10% Ward Skin Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
Bonus Drops
Chance Item
3.6% Gemstone
0.04% Mythic Skin Permanent
10% Hextech Set
Masterwork Chest Drops
Chance Item
71.94% Skin shard
9.35% 525 Orange Essence 525
9.35% Emote Permanent
9.35% Ward Skin Shard + 150 Orange Essence 150
Bonus Drops
Chance Item
4% Gemstone
0.04 % Mythic Skin Permanent
11. 1 % Masterwork Set
  • Bad luck protection increases the effective drop for skin shards to roughly 71%.

Obtained from:

Riot store
  • 165 RP 165 purchase
  • 225 RP 225 bundle 」 「 1 Masterwork Chest & Key + 1 Prestige Point 」
  • 1125 RP 1125 bundle 」 「 5 Masterwork Chests & Keys + 6 Prestige Points 」
  • 2250 RP 2250 bundle 」 「 10+1 Masterwork Chests & Keys + 13 Prestige Points 」

Mystery Token

A Mystery Token contains a random piece of content from a given category.


LCK World Cone Orb

An Orb usually contains a meager amount of content (e.g. 1 skin shard), but often comes with bonus drops.


Champion Capsule

A Capsule contains a small collection of content (e.g. 3 skin shards).

Little Legend Egg

Random Egg

Due to the lack of shards for TFT loot, a Little Legend Egg contains loot valued about the same as a capsule. Series eggs and Rare eggs have the same drop rate:

  • Legendary (5% drop rate, 30% chance for double drop).
  • Epic (20% drop rate).
  • Rare (75% drop rate).

If all Little Legends variants are obtained, a Rare Egg is rewarded instead.

Uncommon Crafting

Prestige Point

Hextech Crafting includes uncommon crafting, as well as loot from other systems.

Hextech Exclusive

Mythic Crafting Rare Gems Mythic Crafting
  • Elusive skins crafted with rare currency obtained from chance drops.
Prestige Point Prestige Points Prestige Point Shop.
  • Limited-edition skins that are difficult to obtain.


Summoner level
  • Leveling rewards loot.
Champion Mastery
  • Mastering a champion rewards flair.
  • Honorable behavior rewards loot.

Event Crafting

The event currency for Worlds 2019 Event

During events, Riot usually introduce limited special crafting items. Most of them are available to be bought from Riot Store using RP RP RP , and sometimes from missions. Event Hextech Crafting content are usually also exchangeable using event currencies and bundled with the event passes. Event currency is primary obtained as a mission reward.

For the list of recorded Event Currency, please visit: event currency.

Event containers often includes increased drop rates for Mythic content.

Event-exclusive Containers

Bundle Token

A Bundle Token usually offers as much loot as a Capsule, but distinguishes itself as loot from unique events.


A Bag is a rare bounty that can vary per event (e.g. 5 skin shards). An event may introduce a Jackpot instead, which offers more loot in lower denominations.

Crafting Material

Common Crafting Materials
Item Description

Hextech Crafting Blue Essence.png

Blue Essence
( BE BE BE )

Main article: Blue Essence

Used to craft a Champion Shard into a Champion Permanent, allowing the player to unlock the champion.

Hextech Crafting Orange Essence.png

Orange Essence
( OE Orange Essence OE )
Used to craft cosmetic Shards into cosmetic Permanents: champion skins, ward skins, summoner icons, and emotes.

Hextech Crafting Gemstone.png

( Gems Rare Gems Gems )

Main article: Gemstone

A rare currency that is primarily used to craft content exclusive to Hextech Crafting, dubbed Mythic Rare Gems Mythic -level content.

Hextech Crafting Key.png

Hextech Key
Used to open chests, effectively acting as currency. Can be purchased for 125 RP 125 .

Shard & Permanent

A shard is an item that holds access to specific content, usually requiring some material to upgrade it into a Permanent. A Permanent is an item that entitles the player to specific content if there is no restriction otherwise.

The icons depicted are an older design, used here for readability.


Champion Shard Options

Hextech Crafting Shard.png

Disenchant into Essence
  • Converts the shard into BE BE BE equal to 20% of the champion's price.
Activate Rental for 7 days (consumes shard)
  • The shard is consumed to temporarily unlock the champion for 7 days, which does not count as ownership.

Upgrade to Champion Permanent

  • Converts the shard into a Permanent for BE BE BE equal to 60% of the champion's price. This will also unlock the Permanent.
Champion Permanent Options

Hextech Crafting Permanent.png

Disenchant into Essence
  • Converts the shard into BE BE BE equal to 50% of the champion's price.
Unlock Champion Permanent
  • Unlocks the Permanent, consuming it to grant ownership.


Skin shards cover skins for champions, wards, and summoner icons.

Skin Shard Options

Hextech Crafting Shard.png

Reroll into random Skin Permanent
  • Grants the option to select two other Skin Shards and/or Permanents of the same type to consume in a roll for a random Skin Permanent valued at least 520 RP 520 . This will also unlock the Permanent if the champion is owned.
  • This action has additional drop rules:
    • 10% chance for a bonus chest and key.
    • 0.04% for Mythic Rare Gems Mythic skins.
    • Upon receiving a 520 RP 520 shard, it comes with a bonus 100 Orange Essence 100 .
Disenchant into Essence
  • Converts the shard into OE Orange Essence OE equal to 20% of the skin's price.
Activate Rental for 7 days (consumes shard)
  • The shard is consumed to temporarily unlock the skin for 7 days, which does not count as ownership. This requires ownership of the champion.
Upgrade to Skin Permanent
  • Converts the shard into a Permanent for OE Orange Essence OE equal to 300 less than the skin's price. This will also unlock the Permanent if the champion is owned.
Purchase Champion
  • Brings up the champion's Collection menu, which allows purchase of the champion.
Skin Permanent Options

Hextech Crafting Permanent.png

Reroll into random Skin Permanent
  • Grants the option to select two other Shards and/or Permanents of the same type to roll a random Skin Permanent. This will also unlock the Permanent if the champion is owned.
Disenchant into Essence
  • Converts the shard into OE Orange Essence OE equal to 50% of the skin's price.
Unlock Skin Permanent
  • Unlocks the Permanent, consuming it to grant ownership.
Purchase Champion
  • Brings up the champion's Collection menu, which allows purchase of the champion. This option not appear if the champion is owned.

Crafting Costs

Champion Shards
Store Cost Upgrade Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Shard.png) Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png)
450 BE 450 / 260 RP 260 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 270 BE 270 ) 90 BE 90 225 BE 225
1350 BE 1350 / 585 RP 585 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 810 BE 810 ) 270 BE 270 675 BE 675
3150 BE 3150 / 790 RP 790 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 1890 BE 1890 ) 630 BE 630 1575 BE 1575
4800 BE 4800 / 880 RP 880 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 2880 BE 2880 ) 960 BE 960 2400 BE 2400
6300 BE 6300 / 975 RP 975 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 3780 BE 3780 ) 1260 BE 1260 3150 BE 3150
7800 BE 7800 / 975 RP 975 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 4680 BE 4680 ) 1560 BE 1560 3900 BE 3900
Champion Skin Shards
While not being directly available in the store, gemstone skins (e.g. Hextech Annie Hextech Annie ) and prestige skins ( K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition ) cost are considered to be 2450 RP 2450 . Honor Capsule skins ( Grey Warwick Grey Warwick and Medieval Twitch Medieval Twitch ) are considered to be 2400 RP 2400 .
Store Cost Upgrade Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Shard.png) Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png)
520 RP 520 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 220 Orange Essence 220 ) 104 Orange Essence 104 260 Orange Essence 260
750 RP 750 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 450 Orange Essence 450 ) 150 Orange Essence 150 375 Orange Essence 375
975 RP 975 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 675 Orange Essence 675 ) 195 Orange Essence 195 488 Orange Essence 488
1350 RP 1350 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 1050 Orange Essence 1050 ) 270 Orange Essence 270 675 Orange Essence 675
1820 RP 1820 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 1520 Orange Essence 1520 ) 364 Orange Essence 364 910 Orange Essence 910
2400 RP 2400 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png N/A 1200 Orange Essence 1200
2450 RP 2450 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png N/A 1225 Orange Essence 1225
2775 RP 2775 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png N/A 1388 Orange Essence 1388
3250 RP 3250 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png N/A 1625 Orange Essence 1625
Ward Skin Shards
Store Cost Upgrade Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Shard.png) Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png)
640 RP 640 (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png) OR (Hextech Crafting Shard.png + 340 Orange Essence 340 ) 128 Orange Essence 128 320 Orange Essence 320
Store Cost Upgrade Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png)
350 RP 350 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png 175 Orange Essence 175
Summoner Icons
Store Cost Upgrade Disenchant (Hextech Crafting Permanent.png)
250 RP 250 Hextech Crafting Permanent.png 125 Orange Essence 125

Patch History

  • Dawnbringer Karma Dawnbringer Karma returns as Hextech Crafting loot.
V10.21 - October 14, 2020
  • Hextech Kassadin Hextech Kassadin added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V9.24 - December 11, 2019
  • Hextech Swain Hextech Swain added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V9.22 - November 6, 2019
  • TFT Egg5.png Little Legend Series Five Egg.
V9.19 - September 25, 2019
  • Hextech Amumu Hextech Amumu added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V9.18 - September 11, 2019
  • TFT Egg4.png Little Legend Series Four Egg.
V9.16 - August 14, 2019
V9.14 - July 19, 2019
  • Dark Star Cho'Gath Dark Star Cho'Gath returns as a Hextech Crafting loot pool.
V9.13 - June 26, 2019
V9.1 - January 9, 2019
  • Prestige Point Prestige Points Prestige Point added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V8.24 - December 20, 2018
  • Hextech Renekton Hextech Renekton added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V8.20 - October 10, 2018
  • Hextech Malzahar Hextech Malzahar added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V8.14 - July 18, 2018
  • Hextech Poppy Hextech Poppy added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Can now gift Hextech Crafting materials.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing gemstones to drop 5% more often than intended.
  • New Masterwork Chest (cosmetics only chests).
  • When in possession of multiple key fragments (more than 6), can now craft multiple Hextech Keys at once.
V8.6 - March 28, 2018
  • Key fragment image updated.
  • Hextech Alistar Hextech Alistar added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V8.3 - February 8th, 2018[4]
  • 2018 Lunar Revel crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V7.24b - December 23, 2017[5]
  • Removed: Skins above 1350 RP 1350 have less chance to drop in rerolls.
V7.24 - December 7, 2017
  • Hextech Kog'Maw Hextech Kog'Maw added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V7.18 - September 23, 2017[6]
  • 2016 Worlds crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V7.16 - August 17, 2017
  • 2017 Arcade crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Lancer Zero Hecarim Lancer Zero Hecarim added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Honor rework, key fragments are now obtained with Honor instead of after winning games.
  • Order and Chaos crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • 2017 MSI crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V7.7 - April 13, 2017
  • Dreadnova Darius Dreadnova Darius added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • 2017 Lunar Revel crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • 2016 Snowdown Showdown crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Players can now sort and filter their Hextech Crafting inventories.
  • Can now also open 10 Hextech Chests at once.
V6.19 - September 28, 2016[7]
  • 2016 Worlds crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Bug Fix: Removed custom PROJECT chest animations from Hextech Crafting to mitigate a client memory issue that could lead to crashes. Unopened PROJECT chests will still be in your inventory and will still award the same loot, but will use the Premium (purple) Hextech chest animations.
  • PROJECT crafting material added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
V6.13 - June 29, 2016
  • Mystery champion shard added to the shop.
V6.10 - May 19, 2016
  • Champion mastery level 6 and 7 added.
V6.6 - March 24, 2016
  • Hextech Crafting added to all other servers.
V6.5 - March 15, 2016
  • Hextech Crafting added to the NA servers.
  • Hextech Annie Hextech Annie added to the Hextech Crafting pool.
  • Live testing on the Turkish servers.


  • Hextech Crafting is visually inspired by Piltover Crest icon.png Piltover Hextech.
  • Due to China's gambling regulations, the chest design is replaced with a portal design (See Media Gallery) for this region. Capsules remain the same.

Hextech Annie

By Mirross [9]

Annie HextechSkin.jpg

Hi all!

Everyone's favorite combo of sugar, spice, nice, and plenty of burning is getting a new skin as part of hextech crafting and loot. In order to secure appropriate testing for Hextech Annie, we're putting her and her hextechnically-augmented Tibbers on PBE early, but don't expect her to debut with the launch of hextech crafting and loot.

Featuring an all-new model, textures, animations and particle effects as well as new sounds, Hextech Annie is intended to be available exclusively through hextech crafting and the loot system by acquiring 10 gemstones either in normal chests and promotional chests through rare drops or by picking up special promo chest bundles (which'll guarantee a gemstone drop). Gemstones are rare loot drops that can be crafted into a chest and key bundle or saved to combine to craft Hextech Annie.

Promo chests will only be available at limited times and may have different content inside compared to normal chests. For testing on the PBE, we've unlocked Hextech Promo Chest bundles in the store so players can pick up Hextech Annie as soon as possible. During this test, buying one of the 10-chest bundles guarantees a gemstone in addition to the gemstones you can find in the chests themselves.

As we mentioned at the beginning, Hextech Annie won't be available at the launch of hextech crafting and loot. We'll test her on PBE before testing her release to live servers in Turkey (where we've been testing hextech crafting and loot for a little while now). When hextech crafting and loot debut on all live servers, Hextech Annie will follow shortly after.

Lastly, we're pretty sure everyone's used to this by now, but please keep in mind the promo chests have been heavily discounted for testing on PBE, and the drop rates of items in the chests may also change before we go live.

Leave your feedback on the skin or even the idea of a free, exclusive skin in hextech crafting below, and we'll see you on the PBE battlefields!

Hextech Capsule: Case Study

By Joy An[10]


Hextech Chest was created when we launched the Hextech Crafting feature in 2016. It was well received, but not without a problem. We could not use the chest in Tencent region due to China's gambling regulation. We could not display any form of container that requires a key in China, so we had to create another form of loot mechanic for Tencent region, the portal.


During the MSI event of 2017, we saw an opportunity to introduce a new container that can be used in all regions without any constraints. After exploring many different concepts we have arrived at creating the Hextech Capsule.

We started off doing some sketches for different forms of container to make sure we are not missing an opportunity here. We agreed on the form of a capsule since it offered more flexibility and scalability for the future development of this container. After many iterations on the Capsule design, we've finalized the Hextech Capsule that was highly influenced by Hextech shape language that is unique to League of Legends.

MSI Capsule.png

Hextech Capsule is a magical device. It's made of solid materials containing magic, which will drop loot items when opened. In order to avoid breaking the gambling regulation in China, we kept the sides of the Capsule opened, as well as the top to make it look like it's not a container. There is an energy channeling on the bottom of the capsule that shoots lase like magic to make the capsule look contained so we can convince our players that it's a container.


Creative even themed Hextech capsules following the MSI capsule was not difficult since we have a very clear set of rules for creating these capsules. Infusing event themes into these capsules were rather exciting exercises that I went through to create its unique look with the fundamentals of the Hextech Capsule design.

Hextech Crafting Loot.jpg



Hextech Crafting & Loot preview


  1. Champion Mastery Reveal
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Hextech Crafting FAQ. (25 Sept 2019). Retrieved 26 Aug 2020
  3. Hextech Crafting update on the LoL boards
  4. Lunar Revel 2018 Event
  5. Skin Reroll changes on Reddit
  6. Worlds 2017 Loot
  7. Worlds 2016 Hits the Rift
  8. Riot Socrates Tweet
  9. Hextech Annie
  10. MSI Capsule

How To Get Chests In League


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